Analysis of JEE(Main) – Session 1: A significant fraction of students found this paper to be of a moderate to easy level.
There were a few questions with lengthy calculations in the Mathematics section. Questions covered almost all the chapters from classes XI and XII. A detailed analysis of the paper is given below.
A few students found the Mathematics section difficult as quite a few questions involved lengthy calculations. Adequate importance was given to Calculus & Algebra. Questions from Chapters of Binomial Theorem, Permutation & Combination, Probability as well as Limits, Definite Integral, Differential equation in Calculus were also present, and questions from Coordinate Geometry were also present in adequate numbers. To score well on such a paper, a student should practise regularly and solve mock tests.
The Physics paper was considered to be easy by a large number of students. This paper was quite balanced as questions from class XI and class XII were equally distributed. Some numerical-based questions were found to involve elaborate calculations. A few students also reported that some questions were a bit tricky. Students with a thorough understanding of the ‘Concepts of Physics by HC Verma’ along with NCERT should be able to score well in this paper. Solving Mock tests as the last leg of preparation is the key to a high score for this section
This paper was of a moderate difficulty level and a few questions could be answered by applying the knowledge of NCERT books. Inorganic Chemistry had a slight edge over Organic and Physical Chemistry in terms of the distribution of questions. Questions were asked from chapters like Environmental Chemistry, Chemistry in Everyday life, & p-block elements. Some of the questions from Physical Chemistry were considered difficult by a section of students, and questions from Inorganic Chemistry were of moderate levels As mentioned previously, students with a good understanding of NCERT books should be able to do well in this paper.
To conclude, it was an easy to moderate paper that involved a few lengthy calculations here and there.