By Rohit Jain, Founder, uFaber
In terms of education, the combination of start-ups and the internet has propelled the educational industry to new heights. The demand for technology in education was on rise even before the pandemic. The global Edtech investment was around US $18.66 billion in 2019. With the emergence of Covid-19, several EdTech enterprises have sprouted all over the world after the shutdown of brick-and-mortar schools. Now the market of online education is estimated to reach $350 Billion by 2025. One can even say that the pandemic has accelerated the demand for online education more than ever.
Many parents are also on board with the idea of online education as it’s the safest way for their kids to educate themselves. The engagement of students, parents, and teachers is the vital key for the growth of the Edtech brand. And with that in mind, many Edtech brands are making strategies to make more people connect with them.
Ways to Engage With the Affected Community
Some ways to and Edtech company could engage with parents, students, and teachers are:
Influencer Marketing
17% of companies around the globe spend almost half of their total marketing budget only on influencer marketing and there is a valid reason for it! More than 85% of the marketers suggest that influencer marketing has a better ROI ( return of investment) than any other marketing channels.
Influencer marketing is one of the most legitimate and prominent ways for a brand to advertise its products, especially in the education field, and influencers usually play their lead vocalist.
But the company must keep in mind to choose the correct influencer for their products. For example, an influencer who’s also a mother can engage more parents and build up trust. While they explain their parenting style and the challenges, they also wisely advertise the brand as a solution.
Social Media Platforms
With influencer engagement, it is critical to select the appropriate platform for brand promotion.
Considering the majority of people use social media, edtech companies reach out to their target audience using various platforms, including Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and more. Many even have social media marketing teams who create compelling content, run social media ads and listen and connect with followers.
Hashtags and Keywords
A recent study reveals a significant relationship between use of hashtag in the caption and first comment of a post with it’s virality. The correct use of hashtags, keywords will increase the rate of followers and viewers which gives a good raise to the brand.
Build Trust through Activities
Building up the parent’s trust and students’ interest is another great way to promote. The EdTech brands organize attractive activities and games that boost parents’ involvement. Organising these activities not only develop student’s research skills but also increase engagement.
Frequent Parent-Teacher Meets
Providing opportunities for parents to participate in their children’s education has a positive impact. The brand can conduct virtual parent-teacher meet twice or thrice a month so that parents can track their child’s report.
Healthy Discussion Sessions with Experts
The brands also host online expert classes in which experts discuss various topics, allowing students to obtain a better understanding of their options. With a live broadcast, students will be able to speak with specialists in real-time. In the end, the session should be concluded with a Q&A session which will give clarity to their queries. This will attract more leads.
Dependence on Video Advertising
Brands can collaborate with channels and companies and produce more appealing videos. Video advertising has become one of the most diverse and engaging content kinds to emerge from the internet. It not only catches attention but also makes sharing across numerous platforms effortless.
Optimum use of Video Conferencing
Parents and teachers will have a good understanding of what is going on with the help of video conferencing technology. It’s crucial in the tech industry, as it has sparked interest and aided lecturers in delivering these individualised lectures and seminars.
Other than these strategies, the door-to-door campaign, conducting webinars, giving offers to their loyal customers, conducting quizzes will help them to enhance the rate of popularity.
Testimonials and Customer Support: The Magic Wand for Brands
Some companies also present review testimonials of students, parents and teachers which increases engagement because people believe to see the real-world side. Keeping public interest in mind, this is one of the most efficient strategies to draw in the crowd is to create targeted content.
It is critical to establish a need for the target buyer. Consistency is beneficial to the brand’s growth. Using chatbots, the consumer’s questions can be quickly answered, allowing him or her to take a step closer to the business.
These little efforts by the brands have changed the entire marketing game through the help of the power of technology.
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