Can you share a defining moment in your life that shaped your life ?
The moment that totally changed my life was14 years back when I interviewed 100 people who had near death experiences, out of body experiences and those moments shared with them changed my perception to see life. It transformed my life, it brought a sense of responsibility and purpose in my life.
What made you start Queens brigade?
QB was started to fill the gap and support ladies on mental health and to push them to work from home more professionally, to handhold those who needed collaboration or guidance .
We evolved with years , helped ladies learn blogging and supported kids becoming writers , gave them classes on financial management, took listening and healing sessions with best mentors on board .
Today we are 90 percent into mental health , supporting kids, ladies and organisations to connect with their own masters. Queens Brigade was able to bring smile on every women face, eyes and heart who are the real queen that seemed empty and blocked to me 5 years back in every event I would attend.
What advice do you have for aspiring women entrepreneurs looking to make a mark in the business world?
Every lady is a Shakti. She has been blessed to be born as a nurturer, healer, tigress. Unless she doesn’t own her feminine side, heal it. She will be operating from wounded feminine which will create obstacle in business world. To be successful in this world, she needs to stop seeking validation from people and proving others she can do it!
Most ladies today want to prove their worth, show the world they can do it. When she heals her selves. She doesn’t live to prove anything to anyone. She knows she is Shakti and she doesn’t need to prove it to anyone.
In your opinion, what role does mentorship play in the success of women in business?
A lot I say! We all need mentors. Even a mentor needs a mentor. It’s the ego that says “I can do without a mentor”. Conscious says “I am student, I always will be “A right mentor that empowers and helps you achieve your highest potential. A mentor gives you the feedback, shares the road map and makes you study and run business like no other.
How do you balance work and personal life, and what strategies have helped you maintain that balance?
I realised much earlier that balancing kids and work-life is a lie. One can’t. You lose out on one. I took a long pause because I felt my kids needed me, they were having anger issues, there was a behavioural change. I then sat with myself and asked what was more important. And kids come first any day. They have to be okay for you to be away for 8-10 hours. I don’t know about other kids. My kids wanted me home, to play with them, to see their firsts, to feel their feelings, to hear their stories. I slowed down and I don’t regret. I realised my kids needed me and I honoured their decision. They still do, you can never balance personal life and professional. It’s a lie.
My elder one was okay me leaving for work when he turned 7 and my little one is getting prepared slowly. I am preparing him. It’s very important to give them the time as long as we can and then slowly wean them off. I am fortunate enough that I am not the bread earner of the family. While finances are taken care by my husband, I can take offs, reschedule my work as per me and focus on kids. I have realised till 7 they need more mama’s attention, love, nurturing. Post 7 they need more fathers guidance and play time.
Kids are always my husband and my responsibility. But there are days when both of us are busy. Thanks to my platform that has taught me how important it is to ask for help. So, when we are both working and have long days! We have close friends and family whom we can rely on. I truly believe in the saying ‘it needs a village to raise kids’ and I am currently living that life.
QB focuses on listening sessions and healing. Who are the people who need these sessions?
Who is listening without judgement? Every time I hear someone sharing the problem, the one listening starts with their bigger problem. We are all so busy living in our own world that we refuse to create a space of silence.
From a 5-year-old to 80, everyone needs it! We all deserve a safe space to be heard where no one judges. Where you are not advised, where you are just heard. I have kids, youth and ladies coming to me only to talk and share their emotions, their stories, the guilt they carry, their secrets.
Healing on the other is very personal and can’t be forced. Only people who take the ownership of their life and relearn about their beliefs on spirituality come for healing. Healing needs faith.
What motivates and inspires you to promote healing, spirituality when the world is running away from these words.
The world was definitely running away before Covid. Post Covid people have realised that nothing is more Important than nourishing the mind, body and soul. Spirituality must not begin at 50 years. It has to be our way of since we take birth on this earth.
One tip that will help us imbibe spirituality as a way of life ?
Why we can’t meditate is, we have never learnt to sit in silence. We can’t close eyes.
But change that with your kids. As a family, sit together and close your eyes for few minutes. Sit in silence and make this a way of life. Slowly increase the time. When my kids were very young, I use to play a game. We started with 3 minutes and reached to 20 mins in 3 years. I used to put a timer. Who ever won got 10 mins extra screen time. Sometimes, it was just a healthy competition. Kids love it. Keep innovating as per your kids and see the magic in few years.
Please share a tip for ladies who want to start their own business.
Seek support. Meet mentors. Ask them questions. Take your time. Make a plan and go to the people who are your biggest critic. Start when you have all the answers to everyone’s why!