In conversation with Manish Mohta, Director, Learning Spiral about the implementation of artificial intelligence- oped-moped
What is the future of AI in India’s education sector?
AI applications have been developed for the education sector. And so many processes have become simpler and faster. Students can participate in online courses without interruption and access all learning materials via computers, laptops and smart devices, so students can easily attend classes and do not need to attend physical classes. Many automation tasks are also handled by AI, smoothing the process and saving time and money.
Artificial intelligence provides a secure solution to ensure the integrity of online test system assessments in a cost-effective and scalable manner. The use of AI can reduce or even eliminate the need for physical supervisors/invigilators and can make deployment far more scalable. And with AI-supported online supervision, such incidents are automatically highlighted. Warnings are often automated as well. This makes the system fairly reliable for conducting high-stakes exams without the hassle and risk of going to a centre to take the test. One can conduct online exams for remote users securely with AI-powered remote proctoring. A secure and cost-effective way to prevent cheating during online exams. System algorithms can help one to detect and prevent cheating during the online exam process. And in the future, more development opportunities and courses will be available online, with AI-powered courses enabling students to learn from anywhere in the world and explore their skills remotely.
From Chatbots to automation AI is growing day by day in the education sector as well and we are yet to watch and experience greater AI applications in the future. We continually train our AI for each and every module to improve outcomes, especially in proctoring and learning management.
What is your opinion on online assessment platform for recruitment?
Learning Spiral was founded with a vision to help aspirants realise their aspirations. Our products help power many leading universities, recruitment boards and other assessment bodies. Every year it helps process more than 10 million assessments for various clients. We conduct Online recruitment examinations for institutes of high repute. We help recruitment boards to design assessments according to their requirements
Conduct online recruitment exams at scale using our products: UCanAssess and UCanApply. At Learning Spiral, we work with recruitment boards to break down their recruitment needs and make optimal candidate recruitment strategies. Our tested recruitment application and selection management software i.e. UCanApply can be customized to your organization’s size, domain, and objectives. It can handle online applications, verification, reports, online payments etc.
Our online examination system: UCanAssess can help deliver online assessments for the recruitment process. Our online examination system covers the entire gamut of features like question authoring, question bank management, item-level analysis, Offline paper generation, audit trails, encrypted storage etc.
What is your take about online examination solutions which can conduct all sorts of exams?
All the critical competitive exams like National level online entrance examinations, Online recruiting examinations for prestigious institutes, and Semester and admission exams for Central and State Universities have embraced the online mode of examinations. The online examination system application is boundless. It can be applied at all levels of education, including schools, colleges, and universities, as well as recruitment processes.
Our online examination system meets demanding high stake exam criterion. From scalability, and disaster management to fault tolerance we have you covered. The application supports question item and response level encryption even while adhering to international QTI specifications for question item storage.
UCanAssess is a robust and highly secured online examination system developed by Learning Spiral. It has been used for conducting various
- National-level online entrance examinations.
- Online recruitment examinations for institutes of high repute.
- Central and state universities.